Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Cravings = Good Times+ Good Memories

Cravings they can make you very compulsive person. Tonight i had the craving for ice cream and a short bike ride. So what did i do? I got up and put my shoes back on from a semi long day. Went to the living room and announced to my roommate's that i had a craving for ice cream. We discussed the situation for a whole ten seconds before we realized what the out come of that short and unexpected conversation was to be. Walking down the stairs, fumbling around in the dark to find a switch to see out side. We finally navigate our self's to the metal bee infested shed where our bikes are being stored. Braving the bee's i go inside to find three bikes in decent order. We pull them out, (surprisingly not getting stung) Figure out who's bike is whose. Now we are on our way down the road peddling away. Then wham! There was a blinding brite lite in my eyes. To my surprise and sudden blindness my roommate Clayton had grabbed his camera. Soon after my short disorientation we had made it to our destination. then the unexpected came from my friend kyles mouth "wouldn't it be fun to go through the drive through on our bikes" To my normally unwillingness to do this i accept to go along with the plan. We pull up to the order speaker and nothing. Absolutely nothing happens, not to our surprise at all though. We continue to move to the first window where you would normally pay. we our greeted by a younger guy wondering why we where at the window on bikes so we tell him that we where out on the town with our whips and cruising to some beats, That we wanted to purchase two ice cream cones. the employee at this point just looks dumbfounded and informs use that they would not be able to accept bicyclist through the drive through and that we would have to come inside to order. We go inside and order our ice cream cones and head merely home with the cravings being met to all there glory. then about five minutes into the ride back home my roommate Clayton has dropped a bomb shell that he was taking video and pictures of our weird endeavor of the drive through. so here they are in all there splendor. Hope you enjoy. I know i did.

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